Friday, June 29, 2012

Hermit Crab

Pagurus berhardus - Common Hermit Crab

Status: common and widespread

There are various types of Hermit Crabs including aquatic (water) and terrestrial (land) species. They inhabit areas from rocky shores, shallow, sandy bars to areas of greater depths.

More closely related to lobster than other crabs, the hermit crab lacks a hard carapace. Therefore they must adopt the shells of certain molluscs and will swap them for larger shells as they grow. There are times when hermit crabs will gather together and either fight for a particular shell (as seen in the picture below) or swap out each others shells.

When out of their shell, they can be vulnerable as their abdomen is soft and actually curls. The curling feature is what helps them hang on to their shell home. Typically the hermit crab is reddish-brown in color. They have larger front pincers which are used for defense.

Several species are used as pets with the most common being the Caribbean Hermit Crab. Hermit crabs can be quite useful in aquariums as they are scavengers that eat algae and debris. With the proper care, they can live several years as a pet.

With that being said, please do NOT remove hermit crabs from the wild. Usually the types of hermit crabs found in tide pools or in shallow water (like in my pictures) are aquatic hermit crabs. They will NOT survive in a home environment. If you come across hermit crabs in the wild, look, but don't touch. The reason my pictures are not detailed is because I did not pick them up for the sake of getting "a better picture." Enjoy them in their natural home.

Fun Fact:  Fossils of hermit crabs go all the way back to the Late Cretaceous Period!!

**All photos taken by me at Bolsa Chica State Beach.**

Friday, June 22, 2012

Poseidon's Noble Creation


First off, I have been away from this blog for far too long! So many things had me swimming around like a mad-mer! Some may know that I am a high school teacher and that plus taking sign language classes, surfing, swimming and volunteering had just kept me away. Now that summer is here I will be more devoted to the weekly sea critter posts.

Second, I know that the horse really isn't a sea critter, but many people don't realize that the horse is a creation of the sea god Poseidon (Greek)/Neptune (Roman). But why would a sea god create a land animal?
One story is that Poseidon created the first horse because he had desired the goddess Demeter (Greek goddess of the harvest; a land goddess). Demeter wasn't too keen on this crush and in order to put him off, she asked him to make the most beautiful animal the world had ever seen. Thus, after a couple of tries, he created the horse!

It is also believed that the horse represented the breaking crest in a wave. Horses, or  the Hippokampoi (fish-tailed horses) are often seen pulling Poseidon's chariot in art.

I have loved horses ever since I was a little girl. How could I not? They have been breed to help humans from day to day activities before the invention of machines. They have won wars, and also delivered peace. They have carried royalty on their backs. They are playful, sometimes stubborn, but if given the right love, they will love you back, and give you a special kind of trust, an earned one.

Sadly, not everyone feels the same way about horses as I do. Too often these animals are the subjects of abuse and neglect. People find themselves overwhelmed with the amount of care, time and money a horse takes and will just abandon their animal to die a slow death. Or, if a horse can no longer preform a desired function they will be auctioned off for slaughter, even though they have years of love and companionship to give.

Luckily for some of these horses, they are found and rescued by places like The Red Bucket Equine Rescue.
RBER takes in abused, neglected and slaughter bound horses, rehabilitates them and then adopts them out. They are an organization based on donations and volunteers. In August, I will be going to their volunteer orientation to work closer to the animal that I love. I am also hoping to adopt one of their horses. Please take a look at one of my prospects before and after pictures.
*Pictures are by the RBER - not taken by me*

Willow Before: 

Willow After: 

Isn't that amazing?!?! Go on, take a second look, I'll wait a minute!

With that I am asking for YOUR help! After all the years of wanting a horse, I am in a place in my life where I have the time, money and energy for a horse. I am just $500 short of adopting one of my prospects from RBER and would like your help. I am running a "fundrazer" (link below) and I also have an Etsy shop (site below). Any and all money from these two sites go directly toward my horse fund. If you don't wish to help me, you can still help the RBER by visiting their site: and give a donation through Paypal. In advance, I want to thank you!


Etsy:  (please keep in mind I take custom orders, if you have any questions email me at:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pantropical Spotted Dolphin

GREAT news! The dolphin drive season in Taiji has ended about a whole month early, sadly, on one of the last days of the season, 98 Pantropical Spotted Dolphins (including calves) where butchered for their meat. In honor of those 98 souls that have made our world more empty, here I am writing about this wonderful dolphin.

Stenella Attenuata (without ornament, plain)
Status: Least Concern

The Pantropical Spotted Dolphin (PSD), as the name suggests, is found in all the world's temperate and tropical waters. They belong to the same Genus as Striped dolphins (please read earlier post to find out more on this species).

PSD's have darker dorsal sides that are splotched with various lighter spots. They have lighter, to white bellies that sometimes have black spots on it. Calves tend to be spot free and gain their spots as the mature. They have long, thin rostrums that have a white line around it that give the appearance of lips. The sides tend to be three shades of gray.

There are believed to be three main subspecies of PSD including: "A" = offshore/eastern pacific, "B" = Hawaiian islands, and "Graffmani" = coastal/Mexico and Peru.

The PSD is a very active dolphin that travels in groups usually consisting of around 30 individuals but may be as many as 100. They are known for their aerial leaps and bow riding in front of boats.

Some subspecies are found swimming with yellow fin tuna which, before the 80's, led to the killing of millions of individuals. Thanks to the enforcement of dolphin-safe tuna, the PSD is now considered on of the most abundant dolphin in the oceans. Protected under certain acts, this dolphin is still taken for captivity (although not much is determined if they actually do "well" or not) and during the annual drive hunts that take these animals for their meat. As with all species of dolphin, their meat is high in Mercury and is quite poisonous if consumed over periods of time.

Currently, two PSD's are being held in what is considered to be the world's smallest tank in the Taiji Whale Museum.
These two dolphins are often display "catatonic" behavior as they do not have enough room to exercise. They also do not see the light of day as this tank is indoors.

What can you do to help stop the drive hunts? 1) Do NOT buy a ticket to an aquarium that houses dolphins and whales (including SeaWorld). Although SeaWorld may not get their animals directly from these drive hunts, they are the "grand daddy" of aquariums and their success only encourages the capture of wild dolphins and whales for use in entertainment. 2) Make others aware of the plight of these two dolphins in the TWM. You can check out for further information.

As with all dolphins and whales, the PSD is an intelligent, self-aware animal. They care for their young the same way humans do. Pods consist of several generations of family members. They are fully aware of their surroundings and have unique whistles that state their "names" as they encounter other pods. Their brains also contain Spindle Cells which only humans and great apes also contain.

Please enjoy the video below of PSD's in the WILD!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Manta Ray

Manta Birostris (cloaked)

Sometimes refered to as the "Devil Ray," the Manta is one of the more larger species of Rays. The largest was measured at about 25 ft. across and weighed around 2900 lbs. They are found throughout the worlds oceans but mostly in warmer, tropial waters near coral reefs.

Mantas are usually dark on the dorsal side and lighter underneath. The pectoral fins are a distinctive triangular shape and they have two lobes in front of their large mouths, which contain 18 rows of teeth. Like other rays, they have a tail but do NOT have a barb and have never posed a threat to humans.

Mantas are filter feeders and strain plankton and fish eggs with their mouths. They are graceful swimmers that appear to "fly" under the water. They swim in large, sweeping cirles to catch prey.

Mantas are sometimes known to leap completely out of the water. When I was in Hawaii, I saw what I thought at the time were two dolphins coming up at the same time, when I kept watching though, I realized it was not dolphins, but a manta ray leaping out of the water. What I thought were two dorsal fins poping up where actually the tips of the pectoral fins of the manta. Our tour guide of the Pacific Whale Foundation explained to us that this can be a rare sight and that they will usually only jump out a maximum of two times in one "sitting." I felt myself to be extremely lucky to get to witness this first hand. My husband got to see the second leap. Below is a picture of a leaping manta. Sadly, I did not take this picture but it does represent what I saw.

The manta's only natural predators are sharks and orca. Although it is strictly protected in international waters, it is still threatened due to fishing and use in Chinese medicine. Remember that you can help save the manta ray from it's "vulnerable" status by picking up your trash from the beach, recycling whenever possible, and picking up loose fishing lines. Also make sure your seafood comes from a reputable and responsible source.

FUN FACT: A Tampa, FL baseball team are called "The Rays" and have the manta as their mascott!

Sunday, February 19, 2012



My usual post of a Featured Creature is being postponed this week for a different, but just as equally important topic....TRASH!!!

I have mentioned several times that I live at the ocean, and I have the benefit of going to the beach everyday. Everyday I bring a sand bucket with me and make it a point to pick up a full bucket of trash on the beach either before or after I go in the water. I don't do this for praise, or recognition, I do this because it is the RIGHT thing to do. I am an active surfer and swimmer and I don't like swimming in filth. A good day to pick up trash, is when I can't fill my bucket...this is rare. A bad day is when my bucket over flows with other people's trash...yesterday was a bad day.

Going down to the water I could already see the trash before I even made it there. Because the tide was rising, I decided to pick up the trash before going into the water. It only took a matter of minutes to fill up my bucket, and I hadn't even moved 10 feet away from where I laid down my surfboard. Usually I just stick to picking up a bucket full, but I couldn't stop. There was still SO much trash left. Needless to say, I picked up a total of 3, overflowing bucket fulls and 2 large hand fulls of trash. Included in this were 3 spray paint cans, at least 15 plastic bottles, 1 balloon, 1 glass bottle and countless other pieces of broken plastic and styrofoam.

As I threw away the last bucket full, for the first time ever, I was thanked by a fellow surfer. As I stated, I don't do this for the praise, but I have to admit, it felt really nice to be thanked for my efforts to not only make my beach experience better, to help make others experience good as well. Feeling pretty happy with myself I walked back down to the water and started to swim and catch some waves. As I got out, I looked down the beach and there....Litter. I became so dishearted. I started to think to myself, "Why do I even bother?" Every time I go to the beach, I pick up a bucket full just knowing that the very next day I will have to do the same. I started to feel that things only get worse, they don't get better. No matter how many bucket fulls of trash I pick up, there will always be at least 3 other bucket fulls that I didn't get to.

Over the years I have some pretty disgusting things...bottles (plastic and glass), balloons, condom wrappers and needles...YES, hypodermic needles, with needle still attached!! I started to leave with my husband and was thinking that what I do doesn't make a difference. There will always be someone throwing their cigarette out the window, leaving their trash at the beach, park, etc. But then, I turned around to take one last look at the beautiful water, and saw that the small area I was in was clean. Just sand, shells, seaweed and the occasional piece of drift wood. And as I looked I realized I do make a difference! I may not be able to clean up every piece of trash, but for a time being this small stretch of beach is how it's supposed to look...clean.

EVERYONE can make a difference! It doesn't take much effort to pick up a single piece of rubbish you see and throw it away in a trash can, or recycling bin. My back hurts after bending over so much and picking up trash, but when I know that that piece of trash will not end up in our waters, it is totally worth it. I may not be able to change everyone's mind, but if I am able to convince someone, either by them seeing me pick up trash, or reading this blog, to pick up at least one piece of litter, I will have made another difference for our oceans!

PLEASE, pick up after yourselves! Throw things away where they belong. Recycle whenever possible. EVERYONE makes a difference in this world, whether it is for bad, or good.

Photo by Surfrider Foundation
Video by Paulphin Photography

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sea Otter

Enhydra Lutris


The sea otter is one of the smallest marine mammals. Males typically weigh between 50 -100 lbs. and femals weigh typically 30 -75 lbs. They live in the Northern Pacific Ocean, off the coasts of California, Washington, Canada and Russia, usually inhabiting offshore areas seeking shelter in kelp beds/forests.

The sea otter does not have blubber to stay warm, but has a thick pelt with long waterproof hairs that sheds gradually. Their fur is usually a dark brown color with a lighter head and face. The sea otter is able to close it's ears and nose and uses it's webbed, hind feet and thick, flat tail to propel it underwater. It uses it's sensitive whiskers to find prey at the bottom of the sea floor.

It's diet consists mostly of molluscs, sea urchins and crustaceans. The sea otter will lay on it's back and use rocks or stones as a tool to smash it's food against so that it can enjoy the soft, tasty morsel inside. Although sea otters forage alone, they will form rafts (which can contain a couple of hundred individuals) to help prevent them from drifting out to sea when they are sleeping.

The sea otter is considered a "keystone" species. This means that their presence affects the ecosystem directly. Sea otters keep sea floor herbivores (such as sea urchins) in number and therefore protecting the kelp beds/forests.

Humans are the main threat to sea otters. Sea Otters do not have too many natural predators although they are occasionally attacked by orca and sharks, it is believed that they do not have an appeasing taste to most predators. The sea otter was widely used in the fur trade and at one time was actually believed to become extinct due to such low numbers. Sea otters were also hunted because some people believe that they are the reason for the decline of certain shellfish (which are also consumed by humans). No longer allowed to be hunted, the sea otter is still threatened by fishing line and nets. Oil spills are also another major threat to this beautiful creature.

Fun fact: The sea otter is my spirit animal.

Fun fact: Although the sea otter is a rarer sight in Southern California, many places in Northern California thrive on the tourism that sea otters bring in.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Striped Dolphin

In honor of the 40+ striped dolphins that were slaughtered yearly this week, I hope my post can help bring an awareness to this absolutely beautiful creature!

Stenella coeruleoalba (blue/white oceanic dolphin)

Status: Least concern

Found in temperate and tropical waters around the world, the striped dolphin is easily recognized by it's distinct black bands that circle the eys and run across the sides to the pectoral fins. The dorsal (back) side is usually light blue to gray in color with a white or pink ventral (belly) side. The fluke, pectoral fins and dorsal fin are all black in color. Males can reach the length of 8.5 ft. and females reach the length of 8 ft. Their main diet is fish and squid.

Striped Dolphins are Pelagic dolphins which means they live in deeper waters. They move in large groups which often mix with common dolphins. They are active swimmers that are oftn seen leaping and breaching. Due to the fact that they are deeper water dolphins, the Striped dolphin does NOT do well in captivity. Most Striped dolphins die within 2 weeks of capture due to stress and refusal to feed.

Although the Striped Dolphin is covered/protected by several acts, it is still exploited in certain parts of the world. Japan still "drives" this dolphin and uses the meat for food. Up to 8,000 - 9,000 individuals have been killed at the height of the hunt. Japan has voluntarily lowered this number as it is not a good canidate for captivity and the want of dolphin meat is actually on the decline. Water pollution and drift nets are also a major threat to this species.

Things you can do to help the Striped Dolphin are quite simple! Please, clean up your trash on the beach, pick up other trash you may find. Everytime I go to the beach (which is every day) I bring a sand bucket with me and pick up a bucket full of trash either before or after I go in the water. This not only helps the ocean and its inhabitants but it makes for a much more enjoyable time at the beach. After all, wouldn't you want to take a walk on the beach with only sand and shells and not have to worry about stepping on a sharp piece of glass?

Also, if you eat seafood, make sure it's coming from a sustainable company. Please be aware that some "dolphin safe" tuna products are NOT dolphin safe. Do your research and find companies that make sure they are using the oceans resources properly.

Last but not least, make others aware that dolphin meat is high in Mercury. It is poison! I will not use my blog as a debate over pro-captivity vs. anti-captivity, however when the dolphin drives are being used and the dolphins are being butchered, this meat is distributed to school children. It would be the same thing if your child went to school and they were handed rat poison at lunch. I will never say to boycott Japan as I have read many people trying to do. First, it is not ALL of Japan that supports these hunts, it is a select, greedy few. We need to EDUCATE people on this serious matter, not turn our backs on them. You can write to your Japanese Embassy and POLITELY express your concern(s).

Please enjoy the video below of some Striped dolphins in the wild!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Orca (Killer Whale)

Orcinus orca (referring to the Lord of the Underworld/Dead).

Status: Data Deficient - although Killer Whales are abundant throughout the world's oceans, some groups are considered endangered due to depletion of prey, pollution, habitat destruction (oil spills) and capture for captivity.

Although the name states "Whale," the KW is actually the largest dolphin species. It is found in all the world's oceans ranging from Arctic/Antarctic regions to tropical waters. The KW is easily recognized by their distinct black dorsal sides and white ventral sides with a white eye patch. They have large paddle-like pectoral flippers. Males can grow between 20 -26 feet in length and are easily recognized by their large, triangular dorsal fin. Females are smaller, growing between 16 -23 feet in length and have a smaller, sickle shaped dorsal fin. Wild male KW's have been known to live around 30 years of age while wild female KW's have been known to live up to 50 years or longer!

Killer Whales have amazing eyesight above and below the water, good hearing and a wonderful sense of touch. They use echolocation (similar to bats or submarines) to detect prey and other objects in their environment.

Off the West Coast of the United States/Canada, there have been three main identified groups of KWs. The first group are called "Residents." Residents mostly feed on fish and are the most common groups seen. Over 300 Resident KWs have been identified. The second group is called "Transients." Transient KWs diet is of marine mammals. They travel in smaller groups than that of Residents. Please note that Transients and Residents do NOT interact with each other. The third group is called "Offshore." As the name states, they tend to live further off from the shore and feed mostly on schooling fish.

Often called "wolves of the sea," KWs hunt in packs. KWs are apex predators, which means they have no natural predators of their own. KWs use a highly developed language to coordinate their plan of attack. Some KWs have been documented killing Great White Sharks and other, larger whales. Some species feed on smaller dolphins, turtles and seals/sea lions. Some groups off of South America have developed a unique way of catching sea lions. They will actually beach themselves to catch their prey and then carry it back out into deeper water where they "play" with their food. Young KWs often practice catching the already dead sea lion in order to perfect their skills.

Wild KWs have only attacked humans on few occasions, none of which were fatal. Captive KWs have made over 2 dozen attacks, several of which where fatal. Captive KWs often act aggressive toward each each other. This may be due in part that KWs form complex social structures. They form tight knit family bonds and as many as 4 generations can live in one pod. Pods will often learn and use dialects that are passed from generation to generation. Captive KWs do not keep the tight knit family bonds. Calves are usually separated from their pants at the age of 5 and mixed in with other groups from other parks. Often these whales will have "rake" marks on their bodies from the other whales.

As stated before, KWs are quite abundant but are still affected by humans. Remember to always pick up your trash at the beach, and please, pick up other trash you see laying around. Also, be aware of the chemicals you use at home. I personally use biodegradable/natural cleaning products. Not only is it more healthy for me, but for our environment as well.

Fun fact: Ancient Roman, Pliny the younger, describes the KW as a black torpedo, ramming into it's prey.

Please enjoy the video below of Wild Killer Whales that were recently seen on a whale watch trip off of Dana Point, California!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Great White Shark

This week's Featured Creature is the Great White Shark ( Carcharodon carcharias - Greek for "Ragged Tooth"). I know that this is the third fish I have written about and that I need to start including some of our mammal friends but I was compelled to write about this wonderful animal because 1) I've been getting requests for local California animals (which the GWS is) and 2) because I read a most disturbing article of a man who beat a baby GWS in Australia. Please click the link below to read for yourself.

Although the GWS is protected in South Africa, Australia, United States and Namibia, it still carries a status of "Vulnerable."

This shark is found throughout the world's oceans. It's body is a cartilaginous skeleton with a distinguished pointed snout, two large pectoral fins and a tall triangular dorsal fin. The skin tone is gray to bronze on the dorsal (back/top) side and white on the ventral (belly) side and reaches a typical length of 15 ft. It's snout contains special sensors that help it detect movement in the water. The GWS is typically a solitary animal although it has been seen in small groups.

The GWS was made famous by the book/movie "JAWS." Although it is known for attacking people, it's primary diet is fish, turtles, small dolphins and seals and sea lions. Off the coast of South Africa, the GWS is known for making amazing areal leaps in order to catch sea lions.

There are three areas in the world were GWS attacks are primary. This includes South Africa (49 non fatal attacks, 8 deaths), Australia (43 non fatal attacks, 27 deaths) and the United States West Coast (88 non fatal attacks, 7 fatalities).  There are various theories as to why GWS attack humans. One thought is that humans (especially on surfboards) have the same silhouette as a seal on the surface of the water. GWS are naturally inquisitive animals and have a tendency to investigate human activities. Sharks figure out what things are by tasting them. Many attacks are not to be seen as aggressive behavior but rather curiosity. Young GWS tend to be more "frisky" than the more experienced adults.

Mankind tends to be more of a threat to the GWS than the GWS is to us. As stated before, GWS are protected off of certain coasts but is still hunted in other parts of the world. Sport fishing has increased against the GWS, as well as Shark fining and sheer ignorance (as shown in the article above). Do to the slow reproduction rates, humans fear and ignorance of this animal has lead it to it's "Vulnerable" state. GWS, as well as any shark, are vital components to the ecosystem. They keep animal populations in check and "clean" the ocean of dead animals. Without sharks, the ocean world would actually collapse on itself.

Recent studies of the GWS has actually shown that these animals have personalities and are not just "mindless killing machines." Mik "Sharkman" Rutzen aims to show that these animals are intelligent, gentle animals. *Please see video below*

Things we can do to protect the GWS: educate, educate people around you that ALL sharks are important for a clean, healthy ocean. Do not support places that serve shark fin soup. Clean up trash around you, including fishing line and drift nets.

Fun Fact 1: The shark responsible 1916 attacks off the coast of New Jersey, which inspired the book/movie "JAWS," is now thought to have been a Bull shark, not a Great White Shark.

 Fun Fact 2: Late author Peter Benchley ("JAWS") had said he wished he had not written the book due to the increased negativity and hunting of sharks.

Video of Mike Rutzen riding the dorsal fin of a GWS *NOTE: Please do NOT try this yourself. He has been studying GWS his whole life*

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Garibaldi (Hypsypops rubicundus)

So I couldn't resist...I've decided to do an early post (don't worry, I will also post on Sunday with a new creature).

Our creature this mid-week is the Garibaldi fish, also known as the Garibaldi Damsel Fish! The Garibaldi is only found in the waters off Montery Bay down toward Baja California, and no where else in the world! It's status is shown as "least concern," which is a good thing!

The Garibaldi is a stocky fish with flowing fins and bright orange color. It tends to live in the kelp forests off the California coast. The fish as a mutual relationship with the kelp. Part of the Garibaldi's diet are worms that feed on and destroy the kelp forests. This fish is extremely territorial and will defend it's home against other fish, and occassionaly diver's who happen to get too close to it's nest.

In 1971, the California Department of Fish and Game recommended that the fish be protected, but due to the fact that these fish were not threatened and did not pass for sometime. Only when the fish started to be exploited for aquariums/pet stores did the bill pass in 1993. Two years later in 1995, the fish would be made the official marine fish for the state of California.

These fish can easily be seen off of Catalina Island and the Channel Islands off of Southern California. They are easily seen due to their bright color contrasting off the "muted" surroundings. I have snorkled off of Catalina and these fish are so beautiful to see. Sometimes divers will bring fish food and they will swarm the diver with other local fish for a quick and easy meal! If you are ever in California, I would certainly make sure to plan a snorkle trip off of the island(s) to see these beautiful fish. If you are not comfortable swimming in the ocean, most places offer submarine rides so you get a nice clear view of the beautiful under water world!

Fun Fact: The Garibaldi is named after Italian Revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, who was known for wearing a red/orange jacket.

For a video of this animal, click the link below!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Our creature of the week is the often misunderstood GUITARFISH.

The guitarfish belongs to the family of Rhinobatidae (primitive rays with guitar shaped bodies). Often misperceived as sharks they are actually more closely related to skates and rays. Their bodies are dorso-ventrally flattened, similar to a skate/ray. The tail has two dorsal fins similar to that of sharks. Their pectoral fins are fused to the side of the head which gives them a triangular shaped head. They swim by moving their tail side to side (like all fish) but some species such as the Atlantic Guitarfish have been known to also use their pectoral fins to help in propulsion. Like skates/rays their mouths are found ventrally (underneath the head). Also like skates/rays they have hard plates in their mouths which they use to crush their food.

The guitarfish is found in tropical, subtropical and temperate waters around the world. They are often found near sandy bottoms as some species like to bury themselves in the sand. Guitarfish feed on bottom dwelling animals such as various mollusks and crustaceans including shrimp. It has been shown that the guitarfish will often use their flat rostrum (nose) to hold their prey to the bottom of the floor.

Guitarfish are non-aggressive animals that have never been shown to attack humans. Occasionally people step on these animals when they are wading in shallow waters at beaches. With these animals being abundant in both Florida and California waters I have "encountered" these animals many times. Sadly, I do step on them from time to time and they just swim off with me feeling guilty for having done so. Even more sad is the fact that these animals are often caught in shrimp trawls as bycatch. Because they are not often used for consumption these animals are often wasted and are often cast back into the waters already dead. All too often I have seen people catch these animals off of the Huntington Beach pier, and instead of just throwing it back into the water, they leave it on the pier to die. On some occasions I have asked the fishermen why they didn't throw it back, and my answer is usually because they don't like "sharks." When I explain to the people that this animal is NOT a shark they look dumbfounded.

Guitarfish, just like all animals, are important to their ecosystems. These animals help keep waterways clear of overabundance of shellfish and mollusks.

Ways that we can help save the guitarfish are to limit our consumption of shrimp, or to make sure that the ways in which the shrimp are caught produce little bycatch. Also, if you like to fish or you see others fishing and you or they catch a guitarfish, put it back in the water. These animals are NOT dangerous. They can be easily picked up and gently put back into the water. 

FUN FACT: There is a Guitarfish Music Festival in California that raises awareness of over fishing and pollution.

Click the link below for a video of this animal.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Introduction and First Blog

Well, here we go! First off, welcome to my new blog! I created this blog to help educate people on our wonderful marine world. The ocean is the life of this planet. Without her, everything in this world would cease to be. I am a firm believer that when people understand and know something they are more willing to help it because they now feel a connection to it.

Things you may see on my blog are the WEEKLY MARINE ANIMAL updates. Every week I will post a new marine animal and include fun facts, status's of the animal and what we can do to better know, understand and protect it. I will also be posting activities that are happening as far as beach cleanups, mermaid gatherings, etc. Last but certainly not least I will be posting just random thoughts on being a mermaid, surfer and teacher.

You can follow me on Facebook:

And please visit my Etsy shop:

Thank you all for visiting and I hope you enjoy yourselves!

Bubbles and Fishes,
HBMermaid Angela